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Energy Regulatory Filing

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Type: ALJ
Description: Administrative Law Judgments issued by the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as initial decisions or certifications of initial decisions, notices, certifications of record, certifications of settlement, discovery orders, findings of facts, orders on transcript connection, status reports, procedural orders and procedural reports and protective orders, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Appl/Pet/Req
Description: Filer submitted applications, petitions and/or requests to the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as applications, applications for amendment, abbreviated applications, compliance rate filings, rate change filings, disposition of facilities filings, petitions for declaratory order, notices of self-recertification and requests for interpretation, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: EWG
Description: Exempt Wholesale Generator Request is a request by a utility for a determination by FERC that the utility is a wholesale generator of electric power qualifying for exemption from FERC regulatory jurisdiction.
Filing Deadline:  
Relevant Legislation: Energy Policy Act of 1992 and its implementation regulations.
Type: Form 11
Description: The Form 11 is filed quarterly by interstate natural gas pipeline companies meeting the criteria set forth in the form. For each month of the quarter the respondent reports quantities shipped or stored and revenues received under each rate schedule.
Filing Deadline: Quarterly on the 14th of the month after the quarter end.
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Form 11/A
Description: Amendment to the Form 11 which is filed quarterly by interstate natural gas pipeline companies meeting the criteria set forth in the form. For each month of the quarter the respondent reports quantities shipped or stored and revenues received under each rate schedule.
Filing Deadline:  
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Form 60
Description: Form 60 is a required annual regulatory support filing designed to collect financial information from centralized service companies.
Filing Deadline: May 1
Relevant Legislation: This report is mandatory under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Section 1270, Section 309 of the Federal Power Act and 18 C.F.R. § 366.23.
Type: Form 60/A
Description: Resubmission of a Form 60: This is a required annual regulatory support filing designed to collect financial information from centralized service companies.
Filing Deadline:  
Relevant Legislation: This report is mandatory under the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Section 1270, Section 309 of the Federal Power Act and 18 C.F.R. § 366.23.
Type: Notices
Description: Notices issued by the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as formal notices, notices of proposed rule making, notice of availability or notice of compliance, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Ord/Opinion
Description: Orders or opinions issued by the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as delegated orders, settlement agreement determinations, interpretations, determinations regarding applications and advisory opinions, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Permit
Description: Regulatory environmental permit allowing for construction.
Filing Deadline: No
Relevant Legislation: Varies by state
Type: Plead/Motion
Description: Filer submitted pleading or motion to the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as procedural motions, answers to comments, answer or response to a pleading/motion, requests for hearings or rehearings and motions to compel, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: Protest
Description: Filer comments and/or protests submitted to the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission regarding comments on filings, litigation comments, rulemaking comments and settlement comments, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation:  
Type: QF
Description: A Qualifying Facility Application is a document submitted by the owner/operator or agent of a cogeneration or small power production facility requesting that the facility be certified as one having qualifying status under the provisions of Section 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) or notifying the Commission of self certification by virtue of the qualifying status of the facility.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation: This application is required under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, Title 18 ; Part 292 with regard to small power production and cogeneration.
Type: Report/Study
Description: Reports and/or studies issued by the FERC or a state Public Utilities Commission such as environmental reports, impact statements, safety reports, audit and compliance summaries, operation reports and policy studies, among other things.
Filing Deadline: None
Relevant Legislation: