A couple meeting a bank officer
Investor Relations

Board of Directors

Elizabeth M. Hagood

Mrs. Hagood is the former Executive Director of the Lowcountry Land Trust. Mrs. Hagood grew up in Charlotte, NC and graduated from Davidson College and the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia. Mrs. Hagood currently serves on the Boards of the Preservation Society of Charleston, the Darden School Foundation, the LAMB Institute, and the Charleston County Greenbelt Advisory Board. In addition to serving on the Board of Directors of the Bank and Company, Mrs. Hagood serves on the Loan Committee, Community Reinvestment Act Committee, and the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee recommends the re-election of Mrs. Hagood to the Board of Directors based on her education, distinct perspective on social responsibility and diversity, experience on various committees within the organization, and continued service to the Charleston community through her leadership roles in various organizations.